Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How Obama Got Elected


Richman said...

The thing that's scary/funny about this is that there are many people out there just like these uniformed voters. These people weren't just cherry picked ....they ARE Obamamaniacs.

The lack of info concerning our Congress and the morons running it is frustrating.

My whole family, except my brother and I, voted for Obama because they think he will take care of them. I can't wait until T-giving next week when we get to discuss the elections and my brother and I will have to "fill-in" the missing info in there sentences. It could get ugly. They have no idea all the left-wing crap that is coming their way.

I just hope they have enough info to know who Pelosi, Reid, and Barney Rubble are!

shender4 said...

The sad sad thing about this... (and I believe the point that the filmmaker is trying to make) is that these people are so ill-informed. You can tell that some of them tried, but they were just regurgitating the info that they heard on all the main-stream media.

It’s the Kool-Aid generation. Just drink it kids and you’ll be smart too! We have a whole generation of twenty and thirty somethings basing their political ideologies based on Jon Stewart and Saturday Night Live.

“Don’t confuse the news with the truth!” – I honestly think that’s the message that we need to get out there. We need to get the silent majority to stand-up and educate today’s youth. Tell the baby boomers to put down the Viagra or Cialis for a night or two and be responsible grown-ups for a change!