Sunday, November 9, 2008

Six ways Obama can show he'll be a different kind of president.

4. Increase disclosure and transparency. Obama founded his campaign on removing the influence of special interests. "They have not funded my candidacy, and they will not run my White House," he has said repeatedly. To match this message immediately, Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, has a tidy little to-do list for the candidate who has promised unsurpassed ethical standards:
  • Disclose donors who gave less than $200.
  • Disclose the amounts and professions of bundlers who helped him raise gargantuan sums.
  • Disclose donors to his "Obama Transition Project."
  • Disclose immediately online those who give to the inaugural committees.
  • Promise not to raise funds anonymously for the presidential library until the end of his term.

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