Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I cant wait for the hearings and parade of Bush admin staff up to the hill to be paraded on TV as "criminals" while the congress wont touch Rangle (taxes), Dodd or Frank (Freddie / Fannie).

Wired Mag
Bush Spy Revelations Anticipated When Obama Is Sworn In

"If new whistle-blowers do emerge, Fredrickson hopes the additional information will spur Congress to form a new Church Committee -- the 1970s bipartisan committee that investigated and condemned the government's secret spying on peace activists, Martin Luther King, Jr., and other political figures.

But even if the anticipated flood of leaks doesn't materialize, advocates hope that Obama and the Democratic Congress will get around to airing out the White House closet anyway. "Obama has pledged a lot more openness," says Kurt Opsahl of the Electronic Frontier Foundation"


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