Sunday, November 23, 2008

Go tell it to Obama!

Tell Barrack Hussein Obama what’s important to you!

The uninformed voters elected him, but perhaps the rest of us could direct him. We know he was somebody's puppet during the election; let's make him our puppet!

President-elect Obama's Transition team is inviting Americans from every walk of life to share their stories, experiences, and ideas.

Here is a place to "suggest" all of the change that will soon be coming from Washington.... if you think we need change or the status quo. This is a place that might reach our media savy new president. Could be that these folks have a BIG DELETE KEY that will zap each in-coming message; but, maybe not...........

Let’s flood B.O.’s inbox with sensibilities! Bitchin’ about change is the liberal way… Being proactive is the CCRWS way!

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